EUI- HAEU- Barbara WEILER – Postponed

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EUI- HAEU- Barbara WEILER – Postponed

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In 2020 the programme for high schools will focus on the free movement of persons and the dynamics and memories of mobility in the UE. The meeting were be held in Villa Salviati and will be attended by our members Monica Baldi, Monica Frassoni, Vitaliano Gemelli, Gyula Hegyi, Andrea Manzella, , Cristiana Muscardini, Niccòlo Rinaldi, Riccardo Ventre and Barbara Weiler.

Barbara WEILER, FMA Member, was invited to participate in a conference at the Historical Archives of the European Union with secondary schools in March. However, it was postponed due to the propagation of the coronavirus pandemic.


March 4, 2020
March 6, 2020
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