The European Parliament involves knowledgeable former MEPs in EP Capacity Building, Mediation and Human Rights activities which follow-up on the recommendations of EP election observation missions. Whenever the possibility arises, the European Parliament considers the invitation of former MEPs as speakers and experts to seminars and training sessions organised either in Brussels, Strasbourg or in third countries.

16-18 April 2018

Conference in Brussels on the occasion of the visit of the Pan-African Parliament

The European Parliament organised a conference on the occasion of the visit of the Pan-African Parliament. The FMA members, Annemie Neyts and Gianfranco Dell’Alba as well as the FMA former President Pat Cox were invited to attend this event.

Annemie Neyts, intervened on “The role of the Chief Observer”.

Gianfranco Dell’Alba, contributed to the topic: “The EP culture of parliamentarism: inter-party dialogue, consensus building and compromise

Pat Cox, contributed to the topic: “How the European Parliament is developing mediation and dialogue in support of third countries: the case of the Jean Monnet Dialogues in Ukraine”.

For more information, you can read the complete programme.

18 September 2018

Conference in Brussels on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy

The European Parliament organised a conference on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy. The FMA members, Edward McMillan-Scott and Véronique de Keyser, were invited to attend this event.

Edward McMillan-Scott, intervened on “EU Leadership for Democracy – Internal and external dimensions”.

Véronique de Keyser, intervened on “Advancing democracy through inclusion”.

For more information, you can read the complete programme.