Death of the President of the European Parliament David Maria Sassoli - Statement by FMA President Hans-Gert Pöttering in the name of the European Parliament Former Members’ Association:

“With great sadness, we learned of the sudden death of David Maria Sassoli, President of the European Parliament.


President Sassoli was a great personality and a convinced European. He has made a great contribution to the unity of Europe and has always defended the rights of the European Parliament.


President Sassoli believed in freedom, democracy, legal order and peace. He always defended the solidarity between the states and the citizens of the European Union.


We will do our utmost to defend his beliefs in the future.”


Hans-Gert Pöttering,
President of the FMA and
Former President of the European Parliament

About the FMA

Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering is the current President of the European Parliament Former Members Association. He is a German politician (CDU) and was the only Member of the European Parliament who has served continuously from the first direct election in 1979 until July 1st 2014 – with 35 years of uninterrupted membership. He held a number of leading positions in the EP and European People’s Party throughout his political career. From 2007 until 2009 he was President of the European Parliament. He initiated the House of European History which was opened in Brussels in May 2017.

The FMA is involved in a wide range of activities including seminars, the spreading of information about the European Parliament and EU policies, and promoting political dialogue and democracy building. In addition to that, FMA members are engaged in Democracy Support and Election Observation missions as well as fostering the co-operation with universities by participating pro-bono in the educational FMA programme “EP to Campus”. – Facebook: EuroparlFMA – Twitter: Europarl_FMA