Press release: for immediate release

20th Anniversary celebration of the Former Members Association of the European Parliament
In 2001 the Former Members Association (FMA) was founded by the first FMA President and former President of the European Parliament, Lord Henry Plumb. The aim of the Association is to promote European values and for former Members to remain in touch with former colleagues and the work of the European Parliament.
In the last 20 years, many ideas have flowed from these main goals, and the Association has been able to implement numerous initiatives involving its almost 800 members. Recently, despite the restrictions that COVID-19 has imposed on many activities, former MEPs have remained positive and active, contributing to the FMA programmes online, innovating and adapting to exceptional circumstances.
One of these initiatives is EP to Campus, which has become a sought-after programme in Europe, the United States and Asia. FMA members share their expertise and experience as former MEPs with universities and their students, and explain the legislative powers and impact of the European Parliament. The FMA also raises awareness and informs EU citizens through the ‘Together for the Future of Europe’ public roundtable. This event was launched in September 2020, and currently the third roundtable is being organised for April.
The success of these and many other achievements is the fruit of the commitment of FMA members, so the Association decided to celebrate its 20th Anniversary with the virtual attendance of all members. The European Parliament Former Members Association under Presidency of Hans-Gert Pöttering will therefore host a series of online events to mark this Anniversary.
On 31 May 2021, under the patronage of the European Parliament, the FMA will hold the Annual Memorial Service for deceased MEPs, which will be web streamed from 18.30 to 19.15. The Annual Memorial Service represents an opportunity to honour the memory of former MEPs who passed away in 2019, 2020 and 2021. You can watch the video on our website to see the full list of former MEPs deceased during this period.
On 1 June 2021 from 15.00 to 17.30, the FMA is organising a public roundtable discussion entitled ‘Together for the Future of Europe’, which is a continuation of previously organised debates. After the roundtable discussion, former Members will participate in a virtual debate with European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira, FMA members and invited guests. President of the FMA and former President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, will open and chair this special event.
This anniversary will be central to the FMA’s activities in 2021, as can be seen in its new visual and slogan. A special edition of the FMA Bulletin will be published in June with special contributions and reflections from Former European Parliament and FMA Presidents.
The twentieth anniversary of the Association marks the birth of a new “Librorum” initiative that will take place throughout the year and will allow members of the Association to present their book with a lively debate with the audience.
We invite you to follow us on our website and on social media through Twitter and Facebook.
About the FMA
The Former Members Association of the European Parliament aims to foster relationships between former Members of the European Parliament by publishing a quarterly Bulletin and newsletters, organising social and cultural events, information meetings, debates and study visits, and by keeping in contact with similar organisations in other countries. In addition to that, FMA members engage in democracy support and election observation missions as well as fostering the cooperation with universities by participating pro bono in the EP to Campus educational programme.
The Management Committee of the FMA is composed of ten elected former MEPs.
For further information, please contact Lisseth BRAVO RUEDA:
Tel. +32 (0)2 284 07 03
Facebook: EuroparlFMA
Twitter: Europarl_FMA